Roles and Permissions

Nicolas Audet
Nicolas Audet
  • Updated


Roles and Permissions allow your team to manage who has access to what. This can help you ensure security while displaying only what is needed, enhancing agent focus.

Most permissions are further divided into View, Edit and Create capabilities, allowing for granular control.

For a video overview of roles and permissions, take a look at this article: User Roles & Permissions Settings - Video Guide


Creating a Role

We recommend a "Set a default role" to save you time and effort in the future. This can be edited by selecting "Set a default role" when creating or editing a role. Many roles can be set as default at the same time, which will automatically give many Roles to a new user.

You can modify what a user can access by looking at the "Assigning/Unassigning a Role" section. Create a new Role by going to the menu on the left of your gaiia page, go to the ADMIN section near the bottom of the page, > Roles >  click the "+" button in the top right of your screen. From here, you can

  • Name the new role and add a description Screen_Shot_2023-05-01_at_2.38.38_PM.png
  • Add appropriate permissions. Note that there is a lot of granularity in the permission to allow you to select precisely what you want to allow your team members to view/edit/create a page. (The left image are generic settings and the right image is for the admin settings)


Editing a Role

In the menu on the left of your gaiia page, go to the ADMIN section > Roles > Click the ellipsis menu to the right of the Role you want to edit > Edit. You can change the information and then Save.



Assigning/Un-assigning a Role

Role assignations are dealt with by going to ADMIN > Users > click the ellipsis menu to the right of the user you want to edit. In the Roles section, you can add or remove Roles and then Save.


Permissions References

Most permissions will have a View and an Edit permission. The view permission provides "read-only access", while the Edit permission allows the user to make changes to the corresponding feature.

To simplify the tables below, we removed the View and Edit permission from the table.

  • When the box beside the permission name is checked, it means the role has access to the permission and all of its children
  • If there is a hyphen, it means the role has limited access to the permission and its children.
  • A black checkbox means the role doesn't have access to the permission and its children.
  • Permission Description
    Edit account status Allow editing of the account status of an account
    Edit account labels Allow editing of the account label of an account


    Provide access to the account creation form
    Export Allow exporting of the customer list
    Billing Provide access to the billing section within an account

    Billing > Discounts

    ... > Apply custom discounts
    ... > Apply one-time product discounts
    ... > Apply one-time subscription discounts

    Allow applying of various types of discounts to an account

    Billing > Subscriptions

    ... > Add/Reassign recurring discounts

    ... > Override subscription price

    Allow assigning/suspending/unassigning of subscriptions and overriding of subscription price
    Client Portal Provide access to the client portal section within an account
    Contacts Allow editing of the contacts section within an account
    Communications Provide access to the Communications section within an account
    Network > {Will vary depending on your integration} Provide access to the Network section within an account
    Documents Provide access to the Documents section within an account
    Equipment Provide access to the Network section within an account
    Workflows Provide access to the Network section within an account

    Workflows > Create

    ... > Activation
    ... > Service cancellation
    ... > Speed modification
    ... > Suspension
    ... > Reactivation
    ... > Customer workflow

    Allow the creation of each default workflow
    Preferences Provide access to the Network section within an account
  • Permission Description
    Transactions Provide access to the organization transactions section
    Statistics Provide access to the organization's Billing Statistics section
    Settings Provide access to the Billing Settings section to manage the organization's default billing settings
    Delinquent Provide access to the Delinquent section
    Report Provide access to the legacy billing reports
    Unlinked payments Provide access to the unlinked payment section
    Taxes Provide access to the organization's taxes configuration
  • Permission Description
    Addresses Provide access to the addresses module
    Notes Provide access to the notes section within an account
    Properties Provide access to the properties module

    Properties > Property group managers

    ... > Client Portal

    Provide access to the client portal section of a property group
    Unit Allow editing/deleting of a unit of a property
    Orders Provide access to the orders module
    Orders > Complete Allow using of function "mark order as completed"
    Orders > Export abandoned orders Allow exporting of the abandoned orders list
    Broadband facts labels Provide access to the broadband facts label under Products
    Broadband facts labels > Edit published labels Allow editing of a published label

    Broadband facts labels > Settings

    Provide access to the broadband facts labels setting 
    Conversation Provide access to the Conversation module
    Fulfillment Provide access to the Fulfillment module
    Grade Allow editing of the grade of an item within the fulfillment module
    Inspection Provide access to the Inspection section of Fulfillment
    Orders Provide access to the Orders section of Fulfillment


    Provide access to the Packing section of Fulfillment
    Returns Provide access to the Returns section of Fulfillment
    Inventory Provide access to the Inventory module

    Inventory > Items

    Provide access to the items list within the Inventory module
    Inventory > Move Provide access to the move function within the inventory module

    Inventory > Locations

    Provide access to the locations list within the inventory module and allow to 
    Inventory > Settings Provide access to the move function within the inventory module
    Network Provide access to the Network module

    Network > Settings

    Allow editing of the network settings

    Network > Network sites

    Allow editing of the network sites


    Provide access to the incident module
    Product catalog Provide access to the Product catalog module

    Product catalog > Categories

    Provide access to the Categories in the Product catalog settings

    Product catalog > Coverage areas

    Provide access to the coverage areas in the Product catalog settings

    Product catalog > General ledger codes

    Provide access to the general ledger codes in the Product catalog settings
    Product catalog > Products Allow editing of the organization's products
    Product catalog > Translation Provide access to the translation in the Product catalog settings


    Provide access to the tickets module
     Workforce Provide access to the Workforce module

    Workforce > Schedules

    Allow editing of the technician schedule

    Workforce > Settings

    ... > Shift template
    ... > Work type

    Allow editing of the Workforce settings

    Workforce > Technicians

    Allow editing technicians' information

    Workforce > Work Orders

    Allow editing of the work orders
    Workforce > Technician platform Provide access to the technician platform from the browser and the gaiia field service application
  • Permission Description
    Roles Provide access to the Roles section to manage permissions
    User Provide access to the Users section to add/edit/archive users
    API keys Provide access to the API key section to create/revoke API keys
    Account statistics Provide access to the accounts statistics section
    Communications Provide access to the communication section to manage system and custom templates
    Deposit slip Provide access to the mass action - Deposit slip
    Mass communication Provide access to the mass action - Send communication
    Apply mass discounts Provide access to the mass action - Apply discount
    Document Provide access to the communication section to manage system and custom templates
    Edit account status Allow editing of the available account statuses
    Edit account types Allow editing of the available account types
    Edit account labels Allow editing of the available account labels
    Exclusion dates Provide access to the Exclusion date section to manage delinquency exclusion
    Checkout Provide access to the checkout section to customize checkout options
    Client portal Provide access to the client portal section to customize the client portal options
    Custom fields Provide access to the Custom fields section to manage your accounts and addresses custom fields
    Integrations Provide access to the Integration section to manage your integrations
    Provisioning Provide access to the Provisioning section to manage your CPE and network integration
    Reports Provide access to the Reports section to manage your reports
    Webhooks Provide access to the Webhooks section to create/edit/disable/delete webhooks
    Snowflake Provide access to the checkout section to manage snowflake users
    Service cancellation Provide access to the checkout section to manage the available service cancellation reasons

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