Account Details

Nicolas Audet
Nicolas Audet
  • Updated


Users can edit basic account details and contact information easily within gaiia.

Edit account details or contact information

Anytime you are on an account page, you can look on the right side panel marked "Details" to view account information and contact details. You will find a lot of relevant information such as:

  • Personal Information
  • Addresses
  • Contact Information
  • Account Information

Most field are editable. To Edit a field, click on the pen icon in the corresponding section.




The contact information is used to send all form of communication to the client according to the preferences of the account. 


Add a note to a client account 

In the same right hand "Details" panel, you can select the "Notes" tab to view any notes left on the account or to leave a new note. Notes can be helpful to keep track of any helpful details that are not tracked in standard fields in a customer's profile.

To add a new note, simply click the "Add a new note" field. A dialogue box will appear which will allow you to format the note to your liking. 

Tip: You can edit and/or "pin" notes but pressing the ellipsis menu on an existing note. 



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