Tickets Tab, explained

Nicolas Audet
Nicolas Audet
  • Updated


The ticketing tool helps your team to better handle various issues. Ticket tools can be personalized to fit your needs.

Create a ticket

To create a ticket, go to Tickets > Queues > +Add ticket > Fill the information > Create.

Link account is a search to get the account and add the ticket to his tickets tab within the account. Many accounts can be linked to the same ticket. So this can help to find a common pattern for mass issues.

Type selection is editable by those with permission in settings.

Priority can be low, normal, high or critical.

Categories selection is editable by those with permission in settings.

An Assignee is a user that is responsible to take action on the ticket.

A Follower is a user that is following the ticket. It can be used if a user wants to follow a ticket and receive an update when the ticket status is updated. You can easily filter the tickets table with the tickets you are following.

Assignees and Followers will receive notifications via email when there is an update on the ticket when the status is updated.


Different tabs display different views of notes left by users or gaiia. All notes are in chronological order, from the newest to the oldest.

All allow to see all notes together.

Comments only show comments left by users. those are usually communication between the customer care team and the technical support team.

Worklogs are usually technical notes about the issue from the technical team

Updates are events that happen in the ticket.


Edit ticket settings

Settings allow editing parameters to improve the flow and reporting. The tenants can use them as they want. You can see that as a tag or a way to regroup some tickets together.

Types is a single select drop-down menu. 

Categories is a multi-select drop-down menu. 

Ticket closed reasons is a single select drop-down menu used when closing a ticket. This will mostly be used to sort your tickets in reports.





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