The delinquency page allows you to deal with accounts having a balance overdue. You can manage all steps at the same place and filter by assignee or accounts needing intervention or not.
Delinquency settings are set in Admin > Billing > Settings > Scroll down to Delinquency settings. This currently can't be edited in the UI. If any change is required, please contact us so we can fix it for you.
Accounts flagged as delinquent will have limited access to the client portal (if using gaiia's client portal). They can pay but not change or add subscriptions. Also, a tag is added in gaiia to ensure you can easily see it.
Change or remove the delinquent status
To manage delinquent accounts, go to Admin > Delinquents. The lower search bar can be used to find a specific account or you can check all the account that requires intervention. To open the delinquency modal, click on the ellipsis menu > Details and you can take action.
Note: The delinquent account must be assigned to you to be able to take action and change its steps.
Possible Steps:
- New, when the account meets the criteria set in the Delinquency settings
- send communication, Delinquent - Overdue payment notice
- push need intervention by [amount of days - Days to be suspended or disconnected after delinquent]
Suspension soon
- Send communication, Delinquent - Suspension of Services Within 24 hours notice
- push need intervention to the next day
- Send communication, Delinquent - Suspension of service notice
- push need intervention by [amount of days - Days to be disconnected after suspension]
- Send communication, Delinquent - Payment arrangement
- push need intervention to the selected date
Paid by customer
- Removes the delinquent tag
- Disconnected
Note: Some steps might not be available yet to your version of gaiia. If you need those steps, please contact us.
Warning: No workflows are initiated by the Delinquency page. If needed, those must be initiated within the account.
Warning: to send communication, those must be activated and contain a message.
Tip: The snooze button allows you to push back the follow-up of this account and remove the "need intervention" until the selected date or a new payment is received.
To edit communication sent with the delinquency steps, go to Admin > Communication > Scroll down to in System to Billing Section, and you will find them listed as named starting with: Delinquent - [...].
If a full payment is received while the account is at the delinquency step "New", the delinquency flag is removed and the flow is stopped.
Collection agency
There is currently no process to automatically send the account to a collection agency. This must be done manually and managed by your team.