Expedition Orders

Nicolas Audet
Nicolas Audet
  • Updated



This part is for the expedition team in the warehouse, awaiting incoming shipment orders. The process by steps allows the expedition team to be sure to send the right equipment to the right address in the required time.

Steps description

Not started means the orders that are waiting to be fulfilled

Printed means the order ticket was printed, not the shipping label. The due date is not supposed to have an impact.

Packed means the order has gone through the packing steps, including the printing of the shipping label

Tip: A user can also reprint just the shipping label in the ellipsis menu > Reprint label.

On hold means the shipment will not happen until the status is changed by a customer care agent using the action button of the shipment operation to "remove on hold". This happens when an address is partly serviceable and the provider must confirm if the client can get the service or not.

It is also possible to display all orders regardless of status by looking at the tab All.

Warning: Users can search by account name only.

Tip: User can print the specific ticket of an order via the menu (the three dots)

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