The Reactivation Operation will allow agents to reactivate customer accounts after a seasonal or delinquency suspension. It will be possible to schedule the reactivation for now or at a later date. This operation will reassign all suspended subscriptions on the customer account and enable the corresponding services, re-enable the billing cycle and update the status to Active. A confirmation email will be sent to the customer as well.
Warning: Only suspended subscriptions will be reassigned.
Tip: To use the Reactivation Operation, the client need first to be in a suspended state that was set with a Suspension Operation.
How to Create a Reactivation
To create a Reactivation Operation, go to the client account > Operations > +Add > Reactivation > Fill the information for each step > Submit.
You can see an example of the operation's modal in this image:
This view allows you to see what subscriptions will be reactivated with the operation.
If the customer wants to reactivate with less services than before the suspension, follow these steps: Go to the billing tab > Unassigns unwanted subscriptions (the subscription was previously suspended) > Go back to the reactivation operation and proceed.
If the customer wants to reactivate with more services than before the suspension, proceed with the Reactivation Operation and then add a subscription as you would normally do with an active customer.
How to Reschedule or Cancel an Activation
The reactivation can be rescheduled within the operation by using the Actions button > Reschedule.
The reactivation can be cancelled within the operation by using the Actions button > Cancel operation.