It is possible to automatically charge a fee to your customers when they use certain transaction types. Currently, this is possible for Credit Card and Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions.
To apply a fee to one or more transaction type, you will first need to create a product holding the details of the fee. Then, you will link this product to the desired transactions types.
A. Creating the fee as a product
- Using the information detailed in step 2, create a new product
Follow along this guide if you need guidance: Product Catalog Module
- Configure the product as follows:
- Type: Fee
- Payment strategy: One time
- Repeat from step 1 if you want to create different fees for other transaction types
B. Applying the fee to the desired transaction types
- Navigate to the Admin page
- Select the Billing tab, and navigate to the Settings
- Scroll down to either the Credit card settings or Bank account settings section
- Click
- Locate the Apply a fee for... setting
- Select the product you created in step A
- Click on
- Repeat from step 1 if you want to apply a fee to other transaction types
Once these steps are completed, every transaction using the types you configured will apply the selected fee.
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