Adding a processing fee for Credit Card and ACH payments

Dany Bouchard
Dany Bouchard
  • Updated


It is possible to automatically charge a fee to your customers when they use certain transaction types. Currently, this is possible for Credit Card and Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions.


To apply a fee to one or more transaction type, you will first need to create a product holding the details of the fee. Then, you will link this product to the desired transactions types.

A. Creating the fee as a product

  1. Using the information detailed in step 2, create a new product

    Follow along this guide if you need guidance: Product Catalog Module

  2. Configure the product as follows:
    • Type: Fee
    • Payment strategy: One time
  3. Repeat from step 1 if you want to create different fees for other transaction types

B. Applying the fee to the desired transaction types

  1. Navigate to the Admin page
  2. Select the Billing tab, and navigate to the Settings
  3. Scroll down to either the Credit card settings or Bank account settings section
  4. Click Edit
  5. Locate the Apply a fee for... setting
  6. Select the product you created in step A
  7. Click on Save
  8. Repeat from step 1 if you want to apply a fee to other transaction types

Once these steps are completed, every transaction using the types you configured will apply the selected fee. 

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