In this article, we walk you through the tickets module within gaiia, explaining how tickets are used to communicate both internally and with customers. We cover setting up ticketing system fields such as types, categories, and ticket closed reasons. Learn how to create a ticket, customize its details, add comments, and view updates. You'll also see what it looks like for a customer to submit an external ticket and how your agents can respond.
Guide: Initial Implementation Videos
This article is part of a larger guide going over the concept of implementation
Ticket Settings and Configuration
00:00 Introduction
00:28 Setting up Ticketing System Fields
02:07 Mailboxes for Public Tickets
02:47 Creating a Ticket
05:00 Viewing Comments, Work Logs & Updates
06:46 Assigning Users to Tickets
07:46 Accessing and Filtering Tickets
External Tickets Walkthrough
00:00 Sending a Ticket from the Customer Portal
01:10 Receiving a Public Ticket in gaiia
01:38 Receiving a Response to an External Ticket
02:16 Other External Ticket Agent Actions
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