You can now apply discounts to multiple accounts at once! Simply feed gaiia a CSV with the discounts that need to be applied and it will take care of the rest.
Any one-time discount currently available through the Transactions area of an account can be applied. Discounts, at scale.
Guide: Mass Discounts
This article is part of a larger guide about the Mass Discounts feature
Accessing the Mass Discounts Feature
Accessing this area requires the Admin > Apply mass discounts
permission enabled
- Access the Admin menu
- Select the Mass actions tab
- Click on
Apply discounts
How Mass Discounts Works
Think of the mass discounts feature as a large to-do list for gaiia. A list of accounts and discounts are provided to it and it works through each one applying the desired discount to the account(s).
Specifically there are two major components of it:
- Building the “to-do” list of all the accounts and discounts that needs to be applied.
- Running through the list and applying each discount to the account, tracking and displaying the results.
Feature Overview
- Flexible CSV import that provides you full control over which accounts and what discounts are being applied.
- Any one-time discount can be applied (subscription, product or custom).
- Discounts can be applied to as many accounts as needed, and can be applied to accounts multiple times.
- Dedicated view to track all discounts that were applied through mass actions allowing for a quick review.
- A dedicated list is provided for each discount process that outlines the accounts that received the discount, and details of it.
- A dedicated area for any errors that may have occurred when applying the discount.
Key Considerations to Keep in Mind About Mass Discounts
Any account that currently exists within gaiia is eligible to be part of a mass discount. Therefore, we strongly recommend reviewing the accounts part of the CSV to ensure accuracy and the appropriate accounts are receiving the discount.
Applying discounts to lots of accounts takes time, please periodically check back to see the progress of the task.
Comments on the CSV process have been excluded, and are instead covered in Building the CSVs for Mass Discounts
- The same restrictions and validation are in place as if a discount was applied through gaiia. Therefore, a user with some knowledge of how gaiia works should be the one carrying out the task.
- Only credits can be applied using the feature in its initial version.
- Most errors are caught and displayed before allowing you to continue with the discount process. Place special attention to them and correct, where necessary. Should errors arise when actually attempting to apply the discount, a dedicated Errors tab can be used for remediation.
- A discount will be applied to an account more than once if it is repeated within the CSV and contains a valid entry.
- Any discounts being applied to the account will follow this order of priority:
- Applied to any open invoices, from the oldest outstanding one first
- Added to the available funds of an account
- While optional, we strongly recommend including internal notes for each discount applied for better tracking, auditing and reconciliation within your reporting.
- All discounts applied through this process work exactly like if a user applied it manually to an account themselves. Therefore, all reporting, how its displayed in an account, etc., all remains the same.
- The Mass Discounts creation process can be exited at any point and any progress is automatically saved.
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