Managing Mass Communications

Trevor Buckerfield
Trevor Buckerfield
  • Updated


The Main Mass Communications List is your go-to resource for tracking, managing, and analyzing all your mass communications.

This guide offers a straightforward overview of statuses, actions, and insights for effective communication management.

Guide: Mass Communications

This article is part of a larger guide covering the Mass Communication feature

  1. Mass Communications - Overview
  2. Building the CSV for Mass Communications
  3. Creating Mass Communications
  4. Managing Mass Communications


The Main Mass Communications List


The main Mass Communications list provides a central area to track all of the communications that have been sent thus far.

From here, you can continue building a communication that has already been started, review one that is currently being sent out to accounts, or understand the success of a mass communication that has been completed.

This section will provide details on how to read and understand the various information on this page.

Message Statuses

To help you quickly understand the status of a mass communication, gaiia provides a dedicated column for tracking statuses.

The various statuses a mass communication can be in are outlined below:

Status Description Important Considerations
Draft The mass communication is still in the process of being built, and has not been sent yet.

A draft message can be deleted.

A message in this status will never be sent until theSend message button is selected on the Review & Send step.

Cancelled The mass communication was cancelled mid-process and some or all of the messages were prevented from being sent out.

This status will only be applied when the message was explicitly cancelled by a user.

A cancelled message will stop all pending messages from going out.

Any messages already sent will still be received by the accounts.

In Progress gaiia is currently sending out all of the messages to the accounts included in the communication.

This status will be applied while gaiia is still in the process of sending out the communication to accounts.

A mass communication will not be in this status when all the communication has been sent, but we are still waiting on responses back from the messaging integration (Sendgrid, Mailgun, etc.)

Completed All messages within a mass communication were sent out to the accounts.

Will display when all messages were successfully sent out by gaiia.

This status will still be applied if there are delivery errors, which is managed through the Delivery Errors Tab

Think of this status as being displayed if gaiia successfully completed it’s “to-do list”, and managed to get every message sent.

Therefore, once every mass communication is completed, we always recommend reviewing the Account Delivery Status Tab to understand whether each account successfully received the message.

Failed Errors occurred that prevented some or all messages within the mass communication from being sent to the accounts.

This status will only display when one or more of the messages could not be sent out at all.

Keep in mind, Failed can be displayed even if other messages were successful.

When this status is shown, we recommend reviewing the Message sent failures tab to review what occurred.


The Columns

The table below provides a detailed overview of each column within the list, except for the statuses which was outlined in Message Statuses.

Column Name Description Important Considerations
Communication name Displays the internal name assigned to the mass communication.

This is an internal name assigned to the communication for review and allows to easily distinguish between each one.

This name is solely used for this area and is not used anywhere else within gaiia.

Status The status of the mass communication. Refer to the Message Statuses section above.
Messages sent Indicates how many messages were successfully sent out.

This is based on the total messages being sent out, not how many accounts are receiving messages. This means, in specific cases, an account could be receiving both an SMS & Email.

This column always displays how many messages gaiia successfully sent out, not whether an account received them. For example, a message that was sent to a messaging integration, but could not be received by an account due to an invalid phone number, would still be counted as successfully sent but treated as a delivery error instead.

If this column does not show a 100% send rate, any errors that prevented particular messages from being sent can be reviewed in the Message send failures tab of each individual mass communication.

Delivery errors How many errors were returned by the messaging integration when attempting to deliver the messages.

When a message is successfully sent out, this is how many errors we receive back from the messaging integration (Sendgrid, Mailgun, etc.).

For example, an SMS was successfully sent out, but an error was returned back due to an invalid phone number.

Think of these as gaiia successfully sending out the communication, but there was something on the customer's side that prevented them from actually receiving it.

These errors can be reviewed as part of the Account delivery status tab of each individual mass communication.

Delivery date The date and time the message was sent out on.

The date/time is based off the current locale setup for your account.

The time can be determined by hovering over the date.

This column will be empty if the communication is still in a Draft status.

The date/time is always based off on when the message began to start sending out messages.

The final delivery date/time of the last message sent out can be determined within the Account Delivery Status Tab when reviewing a communication.

Sent by The gaiia user that sent out the message.

This will always display the first & last name of the gaiia user. This is based off of who clicked the Send message button from the Review & Send step.

Should a message be in a Draft status, no user will be displayed in this column.


Actions That Can Be Performed

From this view a few different actions can be performed, depending on the message status.

To access those actions, click the ellipsis UI-vertical-3-dots-menu.png icon next to the desired communication


From All Statuses

Regardless of the status, there is one universal action that is always available:

  • View → Depending on its status, you may be presented with a slightly different view but this action always allows you to view more details about it.

While Status: In Progress

Should the mass communication be in an “In Progress” status, an additional option becomes available:

  • Cancel → As the name suggests, this will effectively stop the process of sending out any further messages. While gaiia does its best to stop all outstanding messages from being sent, messages currently being processed won’t be affected.

    Cancelling a mass communication cannot be undone, so be careful before proceeding

While Status: Draft

Should the mass communication be in a “Draft”, two options are available to users:

  • Edit → Allows a user to continue updating the mass communication and/or send it out.
  • Delete → Should the mass communication no longer be needed, it can be deleted using this action

    Deleting a mass communication cannot be undone, so be careful before proceeding


Reviewing a Mass Communication After it Has Been Sent

This section assumes you already reviewed the information about the Main Mass Communications List written above.

Sending a mass communication is only one piece of the feature, as gaiia also offers a number of different tools to easily review and track how it went. This section will provide an overview of understanding what happened to your mass communication after it was sent.

The Overview Tab

This tab is purely for reference, and allows a user to look back and understand the message that was sent along with its key information.

The Message details area allows the user to toggle between the various message types and languages to view each message that would have been sent out.

The delivery date and time is based on the locale set for the account.



Account Delivery Status Tab


While messages may be sent out, it does not always mean they will reach their intended recipient. Errors can occur within transit or things on the account’s side prevent the message from being received. This is the purpose of this tab, to provide a consolidated list of all the messages that were sent for easy review.

This tab provides the account information, the date on which the communication was sent, and its status (Failed, Delivered or In Progress).

If an account received more than one message, such as an email and SMS, you will see multiple entries within this list.

A Filter button is included to allow for quick review of only one particular message type, or messages in a particular status. For example, once a mass communication is completed you could quickly filter the list to view messages that didn’t reach an account, or those we are still awaiting a response back on.

As highlighted earlier, messages will be assigned one of three different statuses:

  • Delivered → The message was successfully sent to the account and should have entered their mailbox or text messages.
  • Failed → The message was not received by the account due to an error returned by the communication provider (Sendgrid, Mailgun, etc.). Please hover over the status to review the error.
  • In progress → The message is still being delivered by the communication provider (Sendgrid, Mailgun, etc.) and we have not received a response back. Check back later as the status will eventually be updated to Delivered or Failed.


Delivery Errors Tab


Quickly identify which accounts did not receive a communication using this tab.

Each account will be listed along with the error message to allow for remediation in order to send the message again.

Each account listed within this tab did not receive any messages at all. It also references the same UUID provided within the CSV for easy capture, and allows for building a new mass communication to be sent again.

Please note, this tab will only appear when there were errors preventing certain messages from being sent in the mass communication. This tab will never be shown when a mass communication displays the Completed status.


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