Using Mass Actions for Adding Days to Subscriptions

Trevor Buckerfield
Trevor Buckerfield
  • Updated


Currently, Fibrazo, as part of a customer service initiative, adds additional days to account’s subscriptions in the event of outages or when maintenance is occurring.

While gaiia does offer a script, it is currently often handled manually by users who manually add the days each time this is needed. Naturally, this takes quite a bit of time and can be prone to user error.

To help with this, the discount process within Mass Actions supports the ability to add days. Like the existing feature, this is done directly through filling out a CSV and then importing it into gaiia to be applied.

Check Mass Discounts - Overview for details on the base feature

Why CSVs?

CSVs are an extremely flexible way to provide a list of data to gaiia that will accomplish a variety of different actions. They offer a means to provide a complex list of accounts that can all have varying days applied within a single process.


How Can I Generate The Add Days CSV?

CSVs can be generated in a variety of different ways, depending on your preference. To note, you do not need to use the provided template as long as the CSV provided has the same column names.

A few means to generate the required CSV is:

  1. Downloading the CSV template, and manually filling it out with the required information.
    "Add Days" CSV TEMPLATE
  2. Using Snowflake to help generate the data for you.
  3. Using a combination of both methods.

If at any point you need help with building your template, you are more than welcome to contact our support for assistance.


The Add Days CSV Data & Requirements

General CSV Requirements

In order for gaiia to process your CSV, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. In a CSV format.

  2. Use commas to separate the data.

  3. The following fields are required:

    1. accountId (UUID of the account)
      Read Finding an object's UUID
    2. discountReason
    3. productVersionId
    4. quantity
    5. shouldRechargePrepaidPlan
  4. Amounts should always be entered as cents.
    For example $10.99, would be entered as 1099 in the CSV.
  5. Double quotes (””) should not be added to the data.

Expected Format

accountId discountReason amountOverride internalNote
a2fca971-ee52-46e5-b28e-d0cf3d8b5e5b PROMOTION 1099 Test

Will Cause Errors

accountId discountReason amountOverride internalNote
"a2fca971-ee52-46e5-b28e-d0cf3d8b5e5b" "PROMOTION" "10.99" "Test"


Key Considerations to Keep in Mind

  1. The quantity column within the template is used to define how many days the account will be receiving.
  2. Any previous credits or certain quantities can cause the amount of days to be applied to be greater than the actual amount specified.
  3. The productVersionId provided should match the subscription the account currently has.
  4. Ensure that each account provided is in “good” standing.


Available CSV Fields

Name Description Required? Requirements Example
accountId The unique id of the account receiving the discount. The same account can be repeated if they are receiving multiple discounts. Always

This is NOT the Account ID, but the unique id assigned to each account within it (UUID).

This id can easily be determined by following one of those methods: Finding an object's UUID

Please ensure that the account is in “good” standing before selecting.

discountReason The reason for applying the discount. Always Can be open of the following options: “ADJUSTMENT”, “GUARANTEE”, “OUTAGE”, “PROMOTION”, “REFERRAL”. An “ADJUSTMENT” discount reason can only be created with a product/subscription discount. PROMOTION
productVersionId This is the id of the product being discounted. Always It can be determined by using the value from the Product version ID column when viewing the product from the product catalogue. It should match the subscription the account currently has. f9fb9d56-ef17-4ef0-88b7-719af11ea93f
quantity How many times the discount should be applied to the account. Always Must be a whole number and cannot be 0. The number specified here, when paired with the Add days functionality it dictates how many days are added to the account. 1
internalNote Captures the internal note that will appear in the transaction summary and reporting when it is applied. Optional This field is optional CRX-22 outage credit
shouldRechargePrepaidPlan Whether the discount being applied should be used to add additional days to the account’s prepaid subscription. Always The values can be “true” or “false”. Use “true” when the account should have days added to it. Alternatively, “false” will just add a credit to the account. true


Using the Add Days CSV

Now that your Add Days CSV is built, you can proceed with the regular steps for Creating Mass Discounts as they are the same; simply use the CSV you just created for Step #2!

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