Mailing Invoices to Accounts

Trevor Buckerfield
Trevor Buckerfield
  • Updated

While most of your accounts will receive their invoice through email/SMS or viewing it through the customer portal, they can still be some who prefer/need a printed invoice through mail. To help with this gaiia offers two different options that can be used together or just one exclusively.


Option #1: Use the Send Invoice feature

Click on the ellipsis menu of the invoice that needs to be resent. Then click Send to send the invoice, which you can find by using the Download button just above the Send button.


Option #2: Use gaiia Invoice Generation Automation

If you need to print and mail invoices for a number of each accounts, gaiia can help automate this process for you. 

To start, enable the "Receives printed invoice" billing setting on the appropriate accounts. This will tell the gaiia automation that invoices from this account need to be part of it.

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[Optional] If you charge a fee for mailing invoices, gaiia can automatically add this charge for you as well. To setup this, first create a new "fee" product type within the product catalogue at the appropriate amount you charge. Within the billing settings, find and configure the "Apply a fee when an account receives a printed invoice". Once configured, this fee will be applied to the recurring invoice for any applicable accounts with the "Receives printed invoice" setting enabled.

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After configuring the appropriate settings, gaiia will run a process daily to find all of the invoices for accounts whose invoices were generated and they require a printed version of them. These invoices will be consolidated in a single PDF report for each download and printing, preventing the need to find each account manually.

The report is called "Mailed invoices" and will generate daily if there are invoices to be printed.

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Pro Tip: We recommend adjust the invoice date of these customers so it generates a few days before the next billing cycle. This will provide time to download and mail the invoice before the due date period starts. Within each account the invoice date can be overridden to allow for this.

Keep in mind, the invoices are always generated for future billing periods. For example, in the example image below, a billing date of the 1st and invoice date of the 25th, will mean invoices for this account will generate on the 25th for the next month's billing cycle. In other words (for example), April 25th the invoice is generated for the next billing period of May 1st to May 31st.

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