Using the Search Bar

Tyler Coleman-Latto
Tyler Coleman-Latto
  • Updated


In this article, we’ll be covering how to use the universal search function within gaiia, and what you can or can’t search by.

How to use the universal search

While in gaiia, there may be times that you need to find a specific account, property or piece of equipment, but may not have all the information to find that. Thankfully, there are many different options to search by:

  1. Gaiia ID
  2. Mailing Address
  3. Physical Address
  4. Primary Contact → Name, Phone Number, Email Address
  5. Custom Fields
  6. Account Status
  7. Provider ID
  8. Unique Identifier(s) of associated CPE (Client Premise Equipment)
  9. Name of a property

By searching with any of the above information, you’ll be able to view accounts with exact or similar information. When there is a perfect match to the search, only one result within the category will display.

You will also be able to confirm that what you’re searching is being matched in the shown results, as the matching portion will be highlighted in yellow.

The highlighting in yellow only occurs when matching your search to something displayed on the account.

What’s a search category?

When you’re searching, the results will be displayed in categories. Each category referencing the module in which the result is referencing. Here is an example of the search showing multiple modules and the matching information.

Some examples of these categories include:

  1. Tickets
  2. Work Orders
  3. Properties
  4. Property Groups
  5. Account
  6. Equipment

While the information isn’t an exact match, the universal search will pull similar data, in case of a typo. If it can’t find any similar results, it’ll say “No Results.”

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