Changing Account Statuses, Types and Labels

Tyler Coleman-Latto
Tyler Coleman-Latto
  • Updated


In this article, we’ll be covering how to change an Account Type, Status, and Label, as well as their implications.

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Changing an Account's Status

Manually changing an account status does not adjust anything on the account, and they should be changed by triggering a workflow.

Users are able to adjust a Parent Account Status in two ways. The first way is the intended way, triggering a workflow. Depending on the workflow being triggered, this will affect the parent status of an account. For example, launching the Services Cancellation workflow, once completed, will change the status of the account to Inactive, as well as some other aspects, like disabling the billing and issuing the necessary credits to the account. If you had adjusted the status manually to Inactive, nothing on the account would have changed.

The second way is by adjusting the status manually. This is advised only when adjusting the status of an account to a “child” status of the current “parent” status. For example, if a customer is being Suspended, and you have a “child” status called “Suspended 6 months,” once the Workflow has adjusted the account status to “Suspended,” you can then adjust the status manually to the “Suspended 6 months.”

Changing an Account Type

To change an Account Type, you’ll want to open up the customer’s account and then, on the right-hand side, click the Details button and click on Contact. At the top of the Contact information, you’ll be able to see the Account Type. Simply click on the pencil to edit the Account Type, change it to the new one, and click Save.

Account Type.png

Changing the Account Type won’t change any of the originally configured billing settings that come along with the Account Type.

Changing an Account Label

Adjusting an Account Label typically needs to be done manually, unless you have Custom Workflows created that affect this. To adjust them manually, navigate to a customer’s account and, at the top of their account to the right of the Account Status, you will see the button Add Label. Pressing that will open up a menu with all of your configured Account Labels.

Account Labels.png

Different from an Account Status, you can freely change the Account Labels without any worry, as the Labels aren’t typically used to cause actions throughout the account (like submitting a Cancellation Workflow, changing the status to Inactive).

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