Creating a Discount

Tyler Coleman-Latto
Tyler Coleman-Latto
  • Updated


In this article, we’ll be going over how to create a Discount. If you’re interested in the functionality of the discounts, check out: About Discounts.

Creating a Discount

To create a Discount, you’ll start by navigating to the Product module, and selecting the Discount tab. This will provide you with an overview of all the discounts you’ve created.

Discounts Overview.png

From here, you’ll want to press the + Create Discount button in the top right corner. This will take you to a new page where you can begin filling out the information for your discount.

It’s important that discounts are only made within the discounts tab of the Product module.

General Information

Below you'll find the descriptions of the fields that you'll have to fill in to create your discount.

  1. Name: This will be the name of your discount.
  2. Slug: This is automatically filled out based on the name of your discount, and will be how the name of your discount displays on an invoice.
  3. Description: This is an optional field that can be used to provide a reason for why this discount is being applied, or what it is.
  4. Payment Strategy:
    1. Recurring: This means that this discount will be applied on a recurring (monthly) basis and, unless specified otherwise, will recur indefinitely.
    2. One Time: This is typically the standard for a discount. A one-time discount to the customer’s current billing cycle.
  5. Price Based/Percentage Based: Price based will apply a fixed dollar amount as a discount, whereas percentage based will apply a dollar amount equal to x-percent of the total amount due.
  6. Currency: Select the currency that this discount will be in.
  7. Amount: Input the $/dollar amount or the %/percentage amount.
  8. Tax Setup:
    1. Don’t charge tax
    2. Tax Exclusive
    3. Tax Inclusive
  9. General Ledger Code: This is an optional field, but can be used for financial reporting.
  10. Additional Settings:
    1. Limit the number of times the discount will recur on an account. Dictate how many times this discount will recur.
    2. Delay when the discount starts applying to invoices. Specifying an amount will skip that many invoicing cycles, including the initial activation invoice.

Coverage Area

Once you have all of your general information input, you’ll be able to apply previously configured coverage areas to the discount. This means that this discount will only be able to be applied to accounts within those specific coverage areas (e.g., exclusively in New York).


Next you’ll be able to assign a category to the discount. This will ensure that when you are viewing your categories in the product settings, you’ll be able to view all of the products associated with a specific one.

Review and Confirm

Take a moment to review all of the contents of your discount. If you’re satisfied with all of the information, you can select Confirm in the bottom right corner. After that, this discount will now appear within the discounts tab of the product module.

And just like that, you’ve created a discount that can now be applied to accounts.

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