Configuring Categories for Inventory

Tyler Coleman-Latto
Tyler Coleman-Latto
  • Updated


In this article, we’ll be configuring how to configure a Category for an Inventory item, and how they’re used.

Creating Categories for Inventory items

Categories for inventory items can be located in the Settings section of the Inventory module. The inventory settings display the settings for Categories, Manufacturers, and Models.

Within the categories section, you’ll be able to easily view all of your current categories for your inventory items. You can easily create new ones by pressing the Add Category button in the top right corner.

Inventory Settings.png

Pressing the button will show you a prompt for creating a new category. You need to only give it a name, select its category type, and assign a colour to help you stay organized. Once completed, click Add and you’ll be able to see your new category!

Category Creation.png

Categories are not specific to just modems and routers. This can be used to track inventory of any sort.

Using a category

The categories for inventory items get used during the model creation process. When you’re creating your model, you’ll need to assign it to a Model Category. This way, at a quick glance, you’ll know whether the item is a Modem, Router, ONU, or even a consumable.

Within the Items section of the Inventory module, there is a Filter option in the top right corner. By assigning categories to your items, you’ll be able to use this function and filter to a specific one to view all associated items.

Deleting a Category

Deleting a category is a relatively straightforward process, but may require a bit of work leading up to it.

To delete a category, simply click the ellipsis menu on the right-hand side of your category, and click Delete.

In order to delete a category, that category needs to have 0 models assigned to it.

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